How to Connect With Others Around The World

By Ken Zwerdling on Jul 20, 2018

Global Multilingual Professionals

The ability to connect with others is a fundamental need of ours.  It could be our friends, families, coworkers, community and for some of us God.  Many of us live our lives in our community and rarely try to expand our relationship building outside of the current group.  Many of us would love to travel around the world and meet people of other cultures.  Either we don’t have the time or the money.

I was explaining to my 14 year old that when I was in college, we did not have computers.  There was no internet.  To get an annual report on a company you had to go to the library, make the request and wait at least a week for it to come.  Now you can download it on your smart phone or tablet anywhere.  I had to go to typing rooms in college to type research papers.  There was no Microsoft Word.

Things have certainly changed since then.  However, there is still a fundamental need to connect to others.  I saw it fitting to start a new LinkedIn Group – Global Multilingual Professionals.  I formed this group so people in different countries could share their ideas and stories on issues relating to their cultures and careers.  We all don’t have the ability to travel to these distant lands, so I suppose the next best thing is to connect with others and start building international relationships.  The purpose of this group is connect people that are in international businesses, speak other languages or are interested in learning about other cultures.

Topics of discussion will include international business, global sales and marketing techniques, and international social media.  You will also be able to post promotions of your company's offerings, post jobs openings anywhere in the world, international business etiquette and international law. Or maybe, food, culture, religion, politics.  It will be an international discussion group.  I encourage you to join and reach out around the world and connect.  Let’s get a global dialogue going!

Just think, the message about this blog post took 15 minutes to write, 2 minutes to put up and 10 minutes to push the message and connect people together around the world.  What a great time we are living in.

About Our Blog

Blog articles written here were designed to provide valuable information to international companies and job seekers. Enjoy!
