What Are Global Payroll Services

By Ken Zwerdling on Oct 08, 2017

global payroll services

Global Payroll Services

Multinational organizations often face challenges in expanding into other countries and managing employee payroll and human resources requirements around the world. 

How can you streamline the hiring of employees in other countries, get them onboard quickly and substantially reduce your liability? By utilizing a Global Payroll Services Company to help you through the process.

Global Payroll Services Companies help you easily employ workers in over 100 countries which in turn reduces the burden of working with a different company in each country.  One great benefit of using a Global Payroll Services Firm is that you can onboard your new employee in just 3 - 4 weeks. This is significantly less time and vastly cheaper than setting up a legal entity in the required country.

Expanding into another country and being legally compliant involves a tremendous amount of legal wrangling which is often lengthy, confusing and costly.  However, your Global Payroll Services Company will handle  all of the complexities for you, including employment contracts, payroll, local tax filings, foreign currencies, compliance, and visa processing, not to mention maintain required licenses, registrations, insurances, and global benefits administration.

And while the services of your Global Payroll Services Firm encompass a wide variety of disciplines, it is usually managed by one point of contact through your Global Account Manager.

In addition, Global Payroll Services Providers also help expanding companies with managing global human resources, payroll and all other international administrative HR functions. These companies allow you to utilize one global payroll company to provide fully managed outsourced services, including receipt and loading of data, pushing payroll instructions for local processing, gross-to-net payroll calculations, validating integrity and reconciliation of the payrolls, pay slip distribution, local tax filings and payments, accountability for in-country compliance, production of bank and G/L files, fully consolidated reporting, and year-end filings.

Of course when you are working with a global payroll services provider, your team is supported across different time zones, languages, currencies, and cultures. You are able to manage global employee records, absences, new hires, untaken leave, and long term illnesses.  Working with a Global Payroll Services Company can truly help you to make the best corporate decision when expanding around the world.

Learn More About Our Global Payroll Services – CLICK HERE

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